Friday, October 21, 2011

staying focused on God in a crazy distracting. Bible colleg :P

recently i have started at Frontier School of the Bible. i have been here sins august and it has mazed me how much God has trimmed from my life so far. about the first week my bf and I broke up. ( it was good for both of us though) recently because of my sin i have started to like someone on campus. if you saw our campus you would understand why this is bad. you see them every day. and this person is succeding in ignoring me surprisingly. but through all of this i think God is trying to tell me to focus on Him. I have hw, i have some friends, and i like someone. but non of it is going well. the other day i had a break down. i was confused and didnt know if how i felt or what it meant. i sat in a private room and just cried for about 5 minutes. some of my best conversations with God happen when im crying and alone. i asked him to clear my minde. so far i have actually succeded in a baby step. i have cut my phone out for today. and yeah one day " go you"...... but it has really helped so far. I thank God for the people i know here even if not all of them want to know me. I pray for them constantly and am thankful God has let me come to a place like this.