Tuesday, May 31, 2011

michele backmann

Olivia Hathaway

Michele Backmann has not officially announced her candidacy for the Republican Presidential nomination, but it is expected that in the upcoming speech she has set up in her home town of Anoka, Minnesota.
Mrs. Backmann has represented Minnesota in the U.S. House since 2007. As founder of the House Tea Party Caucus, she has caught the attention of a number of prominent conservative talk show hosts. Dennis Miller said today on his radio program that he found her one of the toughest possible candidates and that if any one could make it through this unscathed and still in their right mind, it would he either Michele Backmann or Sarah Palin. Mrs. Backmann appeals to the pro-private sector federalism of the Tea Party.
Representative Bachmann is a vocal supporter of Israel. In a radio interview with talk show host Michael Medved, she said she spent the summer between her last year of high school and her first year of college in Israel, and has had a love for the country and it's people ever since.
Michele Backmann, according to her congressional candidate website, composed the “REBOUND act,” In which she hopes to reduce the deficit and implement real economic recovery. Mrs. Backmann says that this country needs to pay off its debts, especially those owed to the country. “We need to pay back the bail out money.”
Rep. Backmann has introduced four pieces of legislation to free up our energy reserves and promote alternative forms of energy. These four are: The Emergency Energy Cut the Red Tape Now act, The Fast Track Shale act, the Getting Resources Efficiently and Effectively Now act, and the Promoting New American Energy act. Backmann says these will lead to our country's real energy independence.
Backmann is a very strong supporter of the men and women who fight for our country. One of the ways she hopes to help support them is to improve the GI Bill education benefits.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

gary johnson

Olivia Hathaway

Gary Johnson, former governor of New Mexico, has announced he will be running for the Republican nomination for president for 2012, Mr. Johnson is a libertarian, as shown in his views on legalizing drugs,but is running as a Republican.
Mr. Johnson has appeared on many different news stations stating his stance on the different issues concerning our nation today. Amongst these, he also has a list of his views on these issues on his website, which is where I am getting my information today as well is what I will be quoting.
Gary Johnson's stance on foreign policy is a simple one. He says that we need a strong national deference but we need to have a strong nation as well. Before we go and do things across the globe, we need to settle things in our own country first; fix our debt, and rebuild based on the constitution.
Gary Johnson's stance on spending and the deficit is one of sense. He says the government is spending too much because it does too much. In order to cut spending, the government needs to stop doing everything. We must go back to the role of the government as defined in the Constitution.
Mr. Johnson's three step plan is this: step one, balance the budget, step two, enact responsible entitlement reform, and step three, audit the federal reserve. Among other things, Mr. Johnson plans to repeal Obama care and establish clear Constitutional oversight.
So far, only one person that I can find has already announced they will endorse Mr. Johnson and that is Willie Nelson. I'm sure more will support soon. Needless to say, Gary Johnson has added a strong side to the Republican panel nominations candidates.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tim Pawlenty

Olivia Hathaway

Tim Pawlenty
Tim Pawlenty, former governor of Minnesota, announced Sunday that he is running for the Republican Presidential nomination. “ It's time for America's President-and anyone who wants to be president- to look you in the eye and tell you the truth.”
After speaking about what he believes President Obama has done wrong, Mr. Pawlenty made it clear what key aspects he believes the president should have: among these are honesty, truth, and the ability to acknowledge when he makes a mistake.
Tim Pawlenty has made a strong point that if elected president he is not going to sugar coat everything and try to make things seem ok when they are not. He has said several times he is going to tell the truth about what is happening in our country, as said in this quote, “Leadership in a time of crisis is not about telling people what you think they want to hear. It's about telling the truth.”
In his nomination announcement speech, Pawlenty used the word “truth” 16 times.It seams that is a word he plans to make a theme in his candidacy. He also seams to be trying to make it clear that he is willing to tackle difficult challenges. Pawlenty says we need a leader and we need leadership. That man is him
When asked if he had enough charisma to run a successful campaign for the presidency Pawlenty bluntly stated, “I'm not running for the 'entertainer-in-chief,'” And if voters are looking for the loudest candidate, they would not be voting for him.
Pawlenty is presenting himself as a candidate who will unify the nation and fix our problems with determination and hard work, not nice words. It is unclear who will vie for him seeing as though he announced his nomination a couple days ago, but it is looking like he will have good chances in this nomination process.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Herman Cain

Olivia Hathaway

Herman Cain
Herman Cain announced today that he is going to run for the Republican nomination. Herman Cain is a business man. He has successfully built a business, Godfathers Pizza, from the ground up and it is still running successfully to this day.
According to his website, Herman Cain feels that despite the promises president Obama made during his campaign, including social security and health care, there was no follow through. Cain says that Obama cut 500 billion dollars from medicare with the plan to make up for the cuts in efficiencies, and “instead of getting government out of the way to make health care more affordable president Obama and the democrat-controlled Congress passed a new huge bureaucracy that's currently making health care more expensive and less accessible.”
“People want solutions.” This suggests that Cain believes Obama has not given solutions to what he promised he would solve. The solution to this, according to Cain, is leadership. “Leadership is not being the sharpest knife in the drawer. It is working on the right problem, asking the right questions, and removing barriers to success.” Meaning you can't simply be smart to be a leader; you have to know who to surround yourself with in order to get wise counsel. It is knowing how to confront a problem responsibly and with precision: knowing what you need to know and asking the right people with humility, and it is being able to be successful in making the way for you and others to be successful. ”The leadership of solving national problems the right way must come from the President.”
According to Cain, the President needs to be able to lead congress. He says “535 seats can not lead by committee, the founders of our country designed it to be lead by the President.” If elected President, from what I can tell from his website, Mr. Cain plans on making an exit out of war torn countries including Afghanistan, and Iraq, but he wants a good thought out plan to do so.
Cain said he doesn't believe Obama is a bad President. He says Obama has simply been getting bad advise because he has not surrounded. himself with the right people.
Herman Cain has only announced today that he is running for the Republican nomination so it is not clear who will vie for him. This will depend on how far he makes it. On Friday, Tim Pawlenty said that he will announce his candidacy bid this Monday, adding yet another name to the array of great people who could really bring sense and stability to this country.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mitch Daniels

Olivia Hathaway
Mitch Daniels
Although Mitch Daniels has not officially announced his candidacy for president, there is strong pull for him to officially announce his candidacy for the primaries. A new change in the possible candidates for the primaries has caused Mr. Daniels to be a much more promising candidate. Donald Trump and Mike Huckabee have both announced that they will not be running for the republican nominee, thus giving Daniels a smaller demographic of competition.
Daniels gave a speech on February 11th at CPAC (the Conservative Political Action Committee) conference. In this speech Daniels explained what he would like to change in our country, among these are Social Security and Medicare, in which he would reserve funds for those most in need. He would also like to see the qualifying age increased to reflect increasing longevity and good health. “Medicare 2.0 should restore to the next generation the dignity of making their own decisions, by delivering its dollars directly to the individual, based on financial and medical need, entrusting and empowering citizens to choose their own insurance and, inevitably, pay for more of their routine care like the discerning, autonomous consumers we know them to be.”
Daniels is also trying to stop congressional earmarks, restoring impoundment power to the presidency, which is the refusal of a president to spend money that has been appropriated by congress. He also says “the red threat,”our debt, must be fought with faster expansion of the private sector.
Daniels puts a lot of emphasis on the private sector and has listed things we need to do to support that private sector: things such as reforming the tax system, making taxes lower and flater, and a reduction of existing federal regulations, even suggestion a moratorium on new federal regulations. Daniels specifically called out the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) saying it should be renamed the “Employment Prevention Agency.” Daniels also says he wants to increase focus on domestic energy production, “as an economic necessity and job creator.”
Daniels has not yet declared his candidacy so no one has been vying for him. But many seem hopeful that he will soon declare that he is running.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The background of the issue

Olivia Hathaway

The Republican candidates vying for the party's presidential nomination. Vying for a party and for that matter the Presidential primaries did not start truly until about the 1830's, When they decided it would be better to have the primaries and not just one candidate right away for each party. There are certain candidates who say they are going to run for the primaries, and within the party different people “vie” for their candidate or argue for them.
This process starts with each state. Each state, hold their own respective caucus, or convention to decide which candidate they are going to sent to the national convention. Once that is decide they have the national convention and out of each party.
This is a perfect time to see how vying works in our country because this is exactly when we are choosing our candidates. There many candidates thinking about running for the primaries, but who will make it? Why will people want to win and why will vie for them? This is the question on every ones minde. We have Ron Paul, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, and others. Who will vie for whom is debatable but its certain we will get someone who can lead well.